Internal events

Toe to Heart parties

During 20 years of Toe to Heart we had a lot of small internal parties. Each year at our anniversary on 08-08 (8 August) and with Diwali and Christmas. Children often also got new clothes on such a day. Below is a picture of a Festival of Lights party in which we simply celebrated all festivals in the world. On our Facebook page Toe to Heart Support Group we shared pictures of internal and external events.

We had many external events which helped a lot with fundraising in Europe and in India. We’re grateful to all who helped in the past and to all who want to help with new events.

You can read below more about ‘Upcoming Events‘ and ‘Past Events’ 

Festival of Light

Upcoming events

Our 20th anniversary

In 2024 we will celebrate our 20th jubilee. Our main aim is to get ready for the future. 

We recently launched our new logo, developed by Sanne Velings. We are very grateful for this. We chose to keep the two feet who make together a heart, which was an idea of Petra Klerkx. Sanne’s adaptation symbolizes that we want to reach out to young people and be more international and open to the world.

 Both have been very appreciated volunteers and did this without asking any remuneration. We are very grateful to both of them. Sanne also designed our new Newsletter, the CrossRoad. Newsletters – Toe to Heart 

Many new volunteers joined our cause and we had already an online meeting. Plan is to have a meeting/ an event with our network in the Netherlands in August when we exist 20 years. You will be able to read it here and through ‘the Cross Road news blogs. Newsletters – Toe to Heart 

Below you can get an idea about our variety of events in the past. 


Toe to Heart Logo
New logo
Old logo

Past events

Lalitha’s Indian Street food cooking workshop

This is a picture of the cooking workshop Lalitha gave around the 10 year anniversary of Toe to Heart at ‘De Speelwinkel’ in Gouda, The Netherlands in 2014. She taaught everyone to make delicious Indian street food.

Auction of signed PSV-football shirt

This shirt with signatures of PSV players was auctioned. Our ambassador Wim Koevermans, ex- international of the Dutch national team and ex-coach of the Indian football team arranged for this. In the first decade till around 2015 we were totally depending on ‘foreign’ donors in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Rangoli ‘street art’ in our neighborhood

An important breakthrough we got when we organized around 2017 a ‘Rangoli’ (street art) competition in the neighborhood and more people in the neighborhood came to know us. It taught us that being visible to the neighborhood is very important to get local help. It gave us in the last 8 years local donors who paid and kept on paying school fees.

On YouTube

Saxophone player Gerard Baron von Sachsen , also an Ambassador of Toe to Heart, helped us by doing three fundraising concerts. Two in Bangalore in the Lemon Tree Hotel and one in Gouda, on Kingsday.

Below you find a you tube video with the registrations he made of his visits to India and his charity concerts.

Toe to Heart - Bangalore

Toe To Heart and Noble Events Switzerland Go Bollywood

Official Toe to Heart YouTube channel

And we also have our own YouTube Channel but not too much time to put many videos there. We plan to post more video’s in the future. Click on the icon below to watch our videos on our official channel.